Funções Excel em Ingles

  1. ABS - Absolute Value
  2. ACOS - Arc Cosine
  3. ACOSH - Inverse Hyperbolic Cosine
  4. ADDRESS - Address of Cell
  5. AVERAGE - Average of Numbers
  6. AVERAGEIF - Average if Criteria Met
  7. AVERAGEIFS - Average with Multiple Criteria
  8. CEILING - Round Up to Nearest Multiple
  9. CHAR - Character Code for Text
  10. CONCATENATE - Combine Text
  11. COUNT - Count Numbers
  12. COUNTA - Count Non-Empty Cells
  13. COUNTBLANK - Count Blank Cells
  14. COUNTIF - Count if Criteria Met
  15. COUNTIFS - Count with Multiple Criteria
  16. DATE - Date Value for Year, Month, Day
  17. DAY - Day of Month
  18. DAYS - Number of Days Between Two Dates
  19. EOMONTH - End of Month Date
  20. ERROR.TYPE - Type of Error
  21. EXP - Exponential Function
  22. FACT - Factorial Function
  23. FIND - Find Position of Text Within Text
  24. FLOOR - Round Down to Nearest Multiple
  25. HLOOKUP - Horizontal Lookup
  26. HOUR - Hour of Time
  27. INDEX - Value at Specified Position
  28. INDIRECT - Indirect Reference to Cell
  29. INT - Integer Portion of Number
  30. IF - Logical Test
  31. IFERROR - If Error Occurs
  32. LEFT - Left-Hand Characters of Text
  33. LEN - Length of Text
  34. LOG - Logarithmic Function
  35. LOG10 - Base 10 Logarithmic Function
  36. MATCH - Position of Value in Range
  37. MAX - Largest Number
  38. MID - Middle Characters of Text
  39. MIN - Smallest Number
  40. MOD - Modulo Function
  41. MONTH - Month of Date
  42. NOW - Current Date and Time
  43. OR - Logical OR
  44. PI - Pi Constant
  45. PMT - Payment for Loan
  46. POWER - Exponential Function with Arbitrary Base
  47. PRODUCT - Product of Numbers
  48. PROPER - Capitalize First Letter of Each Word
  49. RADIANS - Convert Degrees to Radians
  50. RAND - Random Number
  51. RANK - Rank of Value in Range
  52. REPLACE - Replace Text with Other Text
  53. REPT - Repeat Text
  54. RIGHT - Right-Hand Characters of Text
  55. ROUND - Round Number to Specified Accuracy
  56. SEARCH - Search for Text Within Text
  57. SIN - Sine Function
  58. SINH - Hyperbolic Sine Function
  59. SMALL - Smallest Value in Range
  60. SQRT - Square Root Function
  61. SUM - Sum of Numbers
  62. SUMIF - Sum if Criteria Met
  63. SUMIFS - Sum with Multiple Criteria
  64. T - Convert Value to Text
  65. TAN - Tangent Function
  66. TANH - Hyperbolic Tangent Function
  67. TIME - Time Value for Hour, Minute, Second
  68. TODAY - Current Date
  69. TRIM - Remove Leading and Trailing Spaces from Text
  70. UPPER - Convert Text to Uppercase
  71. VALUE - Convert Text to Number
  72. VAR - Variance of Numbers
  73. VLOOKUP - Vertical Lookup
  74. WEEKDAY - Day of Week
  75. YEAR - Year of Date

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