Calculo com Horas Excel

Para calcular com horas no Excel, você precisa:

  1. Format the cells: first, you need to format the cells that will be used for time calculations. Select the cells you want to format, right-click and choose Format Cells. In the Number tab, select Time and choose the format you prefer.

  2. Enter the time: enter the time in the proper format. To enter a time, use the colon (:) to separate the hours and minutes, and use AM or PM if needed. For example, you can enter 9:30 AM or 21:45.

  3. Use the formula: to perform time calculations, you can use formulas like SUM, AVERAGE, MIN, MAX, and others. For example, to add two times, use the formula =time1+time2. To subtract two times, use the formula =time1-time2.

  4. Convert between time units: you can also convert between time units, such as hours, minutes, and seconds. To convert from hours to minutes, use the formula =hours*60. To convert from minutes to hours, use the formula =minutes/60.

  5. Use time functions: Excel also has several time functions that can be useful, such as HOUR, MINUTE, and SECOND. These functions can extract the hours, minutes, or seconds from a time value. For example, to extract the hours from a time value in cell A1, use the formula =HOUR(A1).

With these tips, you can perform various time calculations in Excel, from simple additions to complex formulas. Just remember to format your cells properly and use the right formulas for your needs.

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